Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm so terrible, I'm sorry. This blog deserves better than me. I have just about the most soul crushing job in town at the moment, so I have no time to do anything fun that I could write about. I'll do a road trip report pretty soon because it was a fukkin Michael Jordan NBA Slam Dunk of a trip and we saw a fake volcano and two lizards.

JULIA: I'm sorry I can't go to the Solstice Party and be your best friend. Instead I have to go to Alaska, where I will further compile my list of reasons why we should sell that shit back to Mother Russia.

MAX: Stay frosty. I love you.

CALVIN: Fucking A, dude? Write some shit about being an environmental activist or something.

BUTTE: Please please please be more fun and not so rainy. It's depressing the shit out of my butt right about now.

So maybe I'll live blog my Alaska trip. I'll have a lot of dead time so maybe I'll even draw a terrible picture.

Smell you later.

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