Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Once again, my apologies

By this point, I am acutely aware that I am, at best, an F+ blogger. That being said, I still want to point out that my meager contributions still outweigh Calvin's.
I have just finished up my uber-pretentious education in the ivory towers of East coast liberal academia. Even though I've broken the chains of Colgate University (Deo ac Veritati, founded 1819) it will take a while before I can reclaim my mind/creative potential and actually start thinking for myself once again. It will be a slow process, but with such good free-thinkers like Sam and Julia in the wings, I know that my little brain will be fully-functioning in no time.

In the meantime, all I can do is beg for Sam's unconditional forgiveness. I am glad Julia made it back to Missoula, and I'm sorry bar-hopping on a Sunday night and playing pool and losing to complete strangers was a less than enjoyable experience. Maybe we'll have better luck next time if we do a pre-game war chant?:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqgBxT169Z8&feature=related

Until then, keep the bathroom door locked.

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