So just now I was talking to my girlfriend about how Bill Murray used to own the Butte minor league baseball team, The Copper Kings, in like the early nineties. I've told this anecdote about Murray hijacking a trolly tour a million times, but I can't remember where I heard it and I'm not even sure it's true. As I told the story, I got to thinking that Bill Murray being in Butte is definitely the kind of thing people would bring up more if it had really happened, so I decided to investigate.

a young bill murray lounges in quiet repose
My internet detective skills turned up a snippet from this book talking about Bill sitting in his private box at the baseball field, winking at people and having charity events and barbecues and things like that. I couldn't find anything besides that, but I guess that's enough for me.
So here's my point: This is a big deal. Bill Fucking Murray ran around Butte and no one talks about it. It's lost history of the highest order. I looked for a way to write him fan mail, but I couldn't find anything so here's my new plan: write Bill Murray in this blog post enough times that when he does his daily Google search of his name (Bill Murray), he'll see this site and think, "Bill Murray, I had some good times in Butte. I think I'll swing by there sometime soon and have a beer." I'm not saying he should like meet with me or anything creepy, I don't even live there anymore. He should just go back. Butte's cool. Bill Murray's cool. Just saying. So if you know a person who knows a person who knows Bill Murray, pass this along
Bill Murray Ghostbusters Garfield Groundhog Day
I saw him at a copper king's game once... If I remember right, he gave some young chap a mini baseball bat.