Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brain Drain

I now find myself smack in the middle of New York state on the illustrious campus of Colgate University. This place has a tendency to dampen my mind and spirit, blunting my creative potential. If I had any to being with.

As I sat here trying to write on this blog, my mind could only produce blanks. In order to remedy this situation, I used the handy-dandy 'stumble' button to come across some inspiration. And just like that, I came upon a treasure trove of thoughts in the form of this muse:

It's an interactive photo-journal type thing which details some of the world's biggest slums. The main thing this exhibition makes me think about is how intensely people in these places live their lives. It's a pretty simple thought. Nothing profound about it. I would be scared to have an intense life.

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