Wednesday, January 6, 2010

If I may be so bold

I'm not sure that our visitor base is large enough for me to do this, but I wanted to get it out there. Max and I often discuss his imaginary friend (whose name and details I won't yet divulge on account of I have plans for him here at the GSS) and my lack of an imaginary friend.

pictured: Sam and Max share a quiet moment of repose

Kids have fevered, insane, and underdeveloped minds, and their imaginary friends toe the line between too retarded for words and sublimely, beautifully perfect in concept. I think it's probably because kids don't give a shit about pretty much anything.

I don't know why I didn't have an imaginary friend. Maybe I was too stoic. Maybe I was clinically depressed. Maybe my life was pretty good and I didn't have to invent my own father figure or best friend to cover up for all the empty feelings.

Anyway, I didn't have an imaginary friend and now I want yours. If you're okay with me putting together a little series based on the delusions of your youth, tell me as much as you are comfortable telling about an imaginary friend you REALLY had. It has to be real. If it's not I'll probably know, but if you fool me then you'll just feel bad about yourself and maybe kill yourself.

More details when you assholes contribute something please help us out here we're trying


  1. I did in fact have an imaginary friend, but I dont remember much. Her name was Dinah(I'm not sure if I assosciated a gender with the name). I didnt remember this tidbit until I read the post. GSS has reawakened childhood memories.

  2. You are a saint, Bernie. I'm glad I could reconnect you with Dinah, who I can only assume was your first love.

  3. Ok, well as you know I was insane as a child. And you know that what I am about to say is true. I had, not one imaginary friend, but an entire band of them. They all had unimagintive names and special powers. There was Fatsy who was a giant and his weight exceeded no bounds, he was the drummer. Fasty who could run around the world three times in a single second, I think he was the guitarist. Smartsy who had an IQ of like 1000 and he was our classical music instument guy, he switched between violin, flute, and any other instruments that you would find in an orcestra. Meainie who was an angry jerk, if I knew what a band conisted of he would have played bass in reality he was just there. I think there was a jumpy or springy and he could jump really high, I don't know what he played. and I think that is about it. If I remeber any others I will let you know. We also went on many adventures that were not band related.
    P.S. Shut it about the spelling and grammer mistakes.

  4. what about their tragic descent into drug use and the rift that formed in the band as a result?

  5. i had bongo. who was little, blue and had had shrek-like protuberances atop his head. he was quick-witted and always down for lighting things on fire and stealing my mom's cigarettes :)
