Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reality and the Happiness of Childhood

In my inaugural post, I wished that this blog would contribute to the obscuring of reality and/or the childhood happiness of all. A forum in which the intricacies of imaginary friends could be openly discussed, debated, hated, appreciated, and loved is an ideal means by which the founding ideals of this blog can be made manifest.

On a slightly related note, I would like to formally acknowledge in writing the awesomeness (although this word is hardly adequate) of Sam's christmas tree. I would specifically like to draw attention to the fact that this tree is not adorned with the customary star or angel on the top but indeed a exquisite combination of these two things. For it is indeed Abraham Lincoln's head (with blue and red lights protruding from the eye-balls) which sits atop this tree, gazing ever so kindly upon those reposing in the living room. Christmas was almost two weeks ago, but this tree, I propose should be left standing indefinitely so that Mr. Lincoln's benevolence may continually stream from his plastic-evergreen post.

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