Hey! We've (almost) all written on this blog like pretty much a lot the last few days! I'm proud as heck of all of you but then my mom called me and said, "your friends are all writing a heckuva' lot on the blog and you aren't doing a damn thing!" And she was right. I was too busy being happy that everyone else was writing that I forgot to.
I Proclaim: I Will Never Be Proud of Any of You Again!
But cut me a break, I'm busy as hell preparing to be internationally famous. School alternates between being pretty cool and a shit show. I got here and was like, "art kids aren't as bad as everyone says they are! Mostly they are either more nerdy or more gay (if you can believe that) than me, so it should be a breeze!" But then I discovered that film students and teachers are the reprehensible and disgusting creatures that give other art students a bad name.

"you guys look at my camera you guys!" This is every day of my life here.
Looking at what I know about people like George Lucas, Quentin Tarantino, and Public Enemy #1 James Cameron, I should have known that film students would be self-improtant, name-dropping reptiles. If any type of art student is going to corner you and talk to you about terrible shit you will never ever care about, it's film students. But like ummm, I don't have any hard evidence or anecdotes proving they are badguys so just take my word for it.
Chicago Christmas is ramping up early and going deeper than balls deep. Halloween was pretty cool and there are enough freaks here that it was a good and drunken time, filled with Olive and karaoke, but Christmas is shaping up to be old-school and hella classy, like with department store window displays, horse drawn carriages... that sort of jubilant holiday stuff that I depend on to get me through the other 11 months of the year. It snowed about two and a half flakes yesterday, the people in the apartment across from mine put up their tree, and I just discovered Pandora has Holiday stations so I'm literally a pig in shit right now.

this is me
That's all! Still no word from Bill Murray! I swear this isn't a creepy thing, Bill! Even just an e-mail talking about your time in Butte would suffice. I'm deadly curious about the whole situation is all.
Sam, thank you for giving me permission to listen to Holiday music. Also, I bought a nativity scene from Peru yesterday and the wise men looking like zombies. It is nice.