Thursday, November 11, 2010

holidays ahoy!

which means that eventually i will have something of consequence to write about. i loathe all things christmas. maybe a little less so now that all my sisters started pushing out offspring. they cry and their hands are always sticky, but they give me a good excuse to watch disney movies in the company of other adults. so there. but i imagine my christams rant should be more near christmas and thanksgiving is like, two weeks away... during which russ is going to meet my WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY (due to misinformation provided by my sister who said it would only be her and her kids and her fiance but is now turning out to be her, her fiance, her kids, both my other sisters and their kids, my mom, and my brother and his girlfriend) and russ might not like me as much afterward so i imagine i might write about that whole debaucher-ous deal but until then i figured i would just let you all know that one day i will write something that may be kind of interesting depending on the type of person you are and what interests you may hold. <<<< that was a run-on sentence. just sayyyyyin.

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