I was right about Calvin and Max. They've proven to be more worthless than I could have guessed. They're in school and stuff, but I know Calvin and Calvin is not spending so much time studying that he can't post even one thing.

my friends calvin and max
You two are on thin ice.
So this guy I know gets unreasonably perturbed whenever he sees commercials for Benico Del Toro's newest screen classic, The Wolfman.
He cites America's fascination with the occult as one of the leading factors in the decay of America's moral, cultural, and intellectual fibre. It's not a religiously motivated thing, it's exactly the opposite. He calls it "magical thinking" and I guess it's making us in to soft-brained morons. To him, Twilight and True Blood and Vampire Diaries and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Being Human and Blood Ties and Dark Shadows are undermining our ability to think realistically.

i guess this is what girls like????????????
While the best I can say about those things I just mentioned is that they are nigh-unbearable pap, unfit for consumption by any but the most base of minds, I don't think they're doing any real harm. I suspect that I think this because I'm the biggest magical thinker I know. I'm a total rube, obsessed with television and comic books. However, I can muster up enough brain power to fart out a few sentences that make a little bit of sense, which is more than can be said for almost anyone on the planet. Some people never watch tv (I can't imagine why they wouldn't, though. Maybe they can't afford it????) and are still very dumb and terrible. The smartest people I know crave lowest-common-denominator reality television on the rare occasion that they have a few minutes to watch TV. Those people are still smart and no amount of Jersey Shore will change that.
Life is seriously pretty bad most the time, and it's even worse for people who are smart. Smart people need to watch cartoons or MTV every now and then so they don't have to think about starving children, social injustice, the stock market, and whatever else smart people usually think about.
This is good, click on it please.
New banner on the way.
Calvin and Max are bad.
Amerika seems to have a pretty solid tradition in magical thinking/mysticism. So if it's causing our society to decay, we must have hit our peak shortly after the revolution and then since Mormonism, Lily Dale, Baum's Wizard of Ox, etc it's been all downhill. Oh wait, I forgot about Puritanism & the Salem Witch Trials: guess our decay goes back even further. That might be a good thing--maybe we'll become like England in the post-WWII/post-Empire era: a kinder & gentler nation, with universal healthcare!
ReplyDeleteMormonism and Lily Dale are definitely the sort of thing that my friend has a beef against. I should have made it more clear that I agree with thinking those sorts of things are pretty dangerous. We need more Dali and less L. Ron Hubbard is what it boils down to.